




Tourist Trains Guidebook, 10th Edition

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SKU: A7955047973004 Category:

Discover trains that travel over historic lines. journey into the wilderness. and provide scenic vistas only experienced by rail! Tourist Trains Guidebook. 10th Edition features more than 500 fascinating train rides. museums. trolleys. dinner trains. and historic depots across the United States and Canada.

Written by the knowledgeable staff and contributors of Trains Magazine. 194 prominent sites are described in detailed reviews. explaining:

  • What a site offers
  • The best times to go
  • What is a “must see” during your visit

Plus. an additional 321 attractions are described in shorter listings.

*New this edition. we have added popular information to each listing including dinner and special train availability. holiday train events. handicap accessibility. and more. This user-friendly guidebook includes a graphic table in each listing so all the information you need can be found at a glance!

Pages: 384

Size: 5.375″ x 8.375″


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